2. I born at November 26th, 13 years ago.
3. I'm SJ's magnae actually.... SJLine's magnae.
4. I love Super Junior. (OFC!)
5. I'm RP-ing as Cho Kyuhyun with one of my friend... Everyday.
6. I'm Shunamei's leader and ex-magnae.
7. I call Kyuhyun 'Konata'.
8. I call Sungmin 'Eruza'.
9. I have a Cyworld account.
10. I have a brother and a sister.
11. I always pretend that Kyuhyun's my twin. OTZ (DON'T KILL ME GAMERS)
12. I have a crush. ^^ /bricked
13. I learn Korean, French, and Japanese~
14. I can read and write in hangeul.
15. I'm an otaku~! XD
16. I can draw with Japanese manga style.
17. I love my Photoshop CS3 and my Audacity 1.3 Beta.
18. I ever dreamed to go to Canada. (but Henry's not there anymore lol)
19. I eat ice blocks. (LOLWHUT?!)
20. I used to buy a glass of Milo at my school... Just for the ice.
21. They call me Ea at class. (spelled: 에-아)
22. I'm a SJ couples shipper, especially KyuMin.
23. I hate Super Generation
24. I believe that there's 'someone' at my back.
25. Along with Kelly unnie, Jung unnie, and Sheena unnie, I'm @leeteukSJ_line's admin.
26. And along with Lina unnie, Crystal unnie, Erika unnie, and Glenda unnie, I'm @sungminSJ_line's admin.
27. I'm the founder of #fakeUFOs. (XDD)
28. I owned four SJ albums.
29. I'm a yellow-belted karateka, and will do the level-up tests this Saturday to gain a green belt.
30. I can't do mawashigeri well.
31. I love maths.
32. I ever punched a locker.
33. I adore one of my sunbaenim much.
34. I love to read books.
35. I never eat pork or even dog.
36. The first SJ song I heard is 너라고 and it made me love SJ. Until now, I still love it.
37. My favorite part at 너라고 is '그 누가누가 뭐래도 나는 상관 없다고. 그 누가누가 욕해도 너만 바라론다고' which means 'I don't care what anyone says. No matter who curses me, I'll only look at you'.
38. I love After School's Lizzy and Co-ed School's Hyewon.
39. My biases at SJ are all of them.
40. I dislike someone at my Twitter timeline, but she's not #SJLine or #Shunamei member obviously.
41. Dunno why but I'm not interested with Justin Bieber. >_______> *don't kill me Beliebers*
42. I ever dreamed to be one of SJ's member. /rolls forever
43. I stalk Sungmin at his Cyworld.
44. I requested to be friends at Cyworld to Kyuhyun.
45. I like Kyuhyun's Cyworld URL. /sneezes
46. I feel curious with Zhoumi's height.
47. I can do gummy smile like Sungmin did. Not as Eunhyuk did.
48. I don't even dare to call my crush with 'oppa'.
49. After I write this I'll do my Isya prayer.
50. I love you guys~!
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